This exciting novel is an unusual slanton the American Civil War and named after the marching song of both sides, Rally Round the Flag, It is now selling well in both the UK and other English-speaking countries, including the USA and Australia/New Zealand.

In the UK it is now being promoted in schools and libraries. Some are also using it as a tool in Writer’s Clubs and promotions, such as “How to approach writing a novel yourself”

The American Museum in Bath has also shared information with the author. We strongly recommend a visit to the museum to see a lot of background information about the Civil War and its era, including an 1861 New Orleans typical bedroom of a wealthy family, similar to that included in the book as the master bedroom at Cotton Hall. The museum also has a large gift and book shop.

The book is available at all good bookshops in the UK, Australia, the USA and New Zealand, among others.

The author has now just started work on a sequel.

“Rally ‘Round the Flag” itself is set in 1860-5. All military and political characters are based on real people in the south-eastern United States.. Imagined characters are among those appearing during those years in Oldham and Manchester’s cotton industry, as well as three young Englishmen who are persuaded to enter Confederate states and to report back to the UK government, who were debating whether to enter the war..

All the battles described were real, but the outcome of at least some has been changed enough to allow the reader to realize how this would almost certainly have altered American history forever.. There is an Index giving details of the sources of the numerous quotations from real people and events..

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